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Friday, December 01, 2006

I'm back, sorry for the delay!!

I'm so sorry to have abandoned the blog for so long! I will be going to Greenwood Park this weekend with the permanent plaque to see if it will fit (somehow) on the rock. If it won't, then I will attach it to the bench. In either case, I will be installing it next weekend for sure. I have to borrow or rent a hammer drill to drill the holes in the rock, but I have the bolts and adhesive all ready. Again, I'm sorry for getting too caught up in other things and neglecting this site.

I'm back in the fight, I guess I just needed a rest!

First things first, please write to all politicians listed on this site once again demanding that the Ombudsman be granted oversight of Ontario C/CAS's, especially in light of what has just happened with the revelation of irresponsible spending of our money.

I'm starting to work on my proposal for a Crisis Nursery in Toronto to present to the city next summer. There are only TWO in all of Canada and they are run completley independant of CAS. If anyone can help with this (architects, engineers, child and youth workers, etc.) I need help tweaking my thoughts by professionals before sending out a proposal and would appreciate help!

Thanks for sticking around and posting here!

Take care,
Amanda Reed


Anonymous said...

Welcome back Amanda. Give' em hell!
I think the heat's back on, let's keep cranking it up!

Power to probe CAS urged for ombudsman

Children's Aid societies enjoy a shield of immunity that make it nearly impossible to hold them accountable, say child advocates on the heels of a leaked report detailing gross misspending.

David Witzel, who grew up in foster care and is suing the Hamilton Wentworth Children's Aid Society for sexual abuse, renewed the call to give the provincial ombudsman power to investigate the child welfare system.

Currently complaints are investigated internally. Appeals are dealt with by a government-appointed board.

Witzel pointed to Jeffrey Baldwin, who was handed over to his grandmother Elva Bottineau despite her having been convicted of killing her own baby. Jeffrey, 5, died of starvation. Bottineau's record was on file but the Toronto Catholic Children's Aid Society has never been investigated by police.


Though the province announced the introduction of an independent child advocate Thursday -- the same day the media got wind of the leaked auditor's report -- Witzel lambasted the new role, calling it useless because it would only have the authority to review complaints and not act on them.

"They have no power to do anything," Witzel said. "They can do exactly what they've been doing now, which is exactly nothing. It has no teeth."

In a report obtained by the CBC, provincial auditors allege that senior managers received SUVs worth as much as $59,000, and paid for gym memberships and trips to the Caribbean with taxpayers' money.

"The best way to deal with the CAS is by allowing the ombudsman, who has the tools, staff and experience, to have oversight over the CAS," agreed Andrea Horwath, NDP critic for children and youth services.

"Child advocates won't be able to investigate, issue subpoenas to witnesses or force the handing over of documents," she said. "A child advocate would not be able to investigate the use of SUVs."

Past pleas by Ontario Ombudsman Andre Marin asking the government to give his office further investigative powers fell on deaf ears.

Anonymous said...

Here is the editorial from yesterday's Globe (Dec. 2):

CAS on the hot seat

Given the Ontario Auditor-General's findings of
haphazard care and dubious spending, it is clear that
scrutiny of that province's children's aid societies
is long overdue. Expenditures at the 53 societies more
than doubled between 1998-99 and 2004-05, though the
number of families who received assistance rose by
only 40 per cent. Worse, even with that extra cash,
society employees often failed to meet the province's
deadlines for investigating and rescuing youngsters.
Vulnerable children were left in risky predicaments.

"Stricter adherence to child welfare legislation and
policy requirements is needed to ensure that children
in their care receive the appropriate services and
protection," Auditor-General Jim McCarter concludes in
the final draft of an upcoming report obtained by The
Globe and Mail. In fact, Mr. McCarter has produced a
devastating indictment of sloppy bookkeeping, lavish
personal expenses and careless spending coupled with a
litany of missed deadlines at every supervisory stage
in a child's care.

He examined four societies in depth: Thunder Bay,
Peel, Toronto and York, which account for almost a
quarter of society expenditures. He discovered that
they generally did not comply with their own
purchasing policies. Without any evidence of
competitive bidding, one spent more than $100,000 on
computer leases and another doled out more than
$100,000 for building renovations. Invoices for
professional services often lacked basic details. One
society paid $160,000 as an annual retainer to a legal
firm even though that firm did not report what it
actually did each year.

Staff expenditures were equally troubling. One society
paid numerous tabs for hundreds of dollars each from
high-end restaurants even though the "purpose and
reasonableness" of the meals could not be determined.
The same society paid $2,000 for the annual gym
membership of an executive and quarterly
personal-trainer fees of $650.

Travel expenses were murky. One society had a fleet of
50 leased vehicles, including two pricey SUVs. Travel
logs were not maintained, so auditors could not assess
the purpose and extent of the vehicles' use. One
individual had a society-owned vehicle while pocketing
a tax-free vehicle allowance of $600 a month. Perhaps
because there is no international travel policy, one
society paid $4,000 for a one-week trip to St. Lucia
for a caseworker to accompany a youngster being
returned to family on the island.

None of this would be so grating if the caseworkers
did not miss their reporting deadlines so often.
Within 24 hours of a referral, the society is required
to assess a child's risk. Unfortunately, in one of
every 10 files, that initial assessment was completed
an average of 17 days past the 24-hour deadline. When
the risk is assessed as "moderately severe," the child
has to be seen within seven days. In roughly one-third
of the files, children were not seen within the
required time. One visit was 165 days late.

Given the number of well-documented cases lately in
which children have suffered because of caseworker
laxity, this is intolerable. Mr. McCarter only
received the right to audit provincial institutions
such the children's aid societies in March of 2005.
Based on these results, audits of the other provincial
societies cannot come soon enough.

Anonymous said...

Minister silent on action taken over children's aid scandal
Last Updated: Friday, December 1, 2006 | 5:10 PM ET
CBC News
Amid calls for the immediate firing of managers who misspent resources at children's aid societies in Ontario, the Minister of Children and Youth Services Mary Anne Chambers says action has already been taken. But she won't say what has been done.

"We have acted on everything we have heard to date from whatever source," Chambers told CBC. "Next week I'll be happy to provide you with specifics."

The final draft of a report by Ontario Attorney General Jim McCarter that was leaked to CBC News describes unchecked spending at certain children's aid societies on such things as luxury SUVs, exotic trips and gym memberships.

The value-for-money audit looked at four children's aid societies in Toronto, Peel Region, York Region and Thunder Bay.

Chamber has deflected an onslaught of questions and criticism since details of the draft were made public Thursday.

The minister has refused to comment about the report because it hasn't officially been released yet. The auditor is set to table it in the legislature Tuesday.

But demands are already raining in for the ministry to fire those responsible for misspent money.

"Are [executive directors of these societies] going to be held accountable?" asked retired homicide detective Michael Davis. "I don't know. I doubt it myself."

Davis has reviewed cases where children have died in the care of children's aid agencies across the province and found they lacked accountability.

The Ontario Public Service Employees Union, which represents thousands of front-line child protection workers, agrees that any managers identified in the process of the audit who misspent resources should be immediately fired.

Children put at risk: report
Part of the report details how some of the most vulnerable children are not receiving attention fast enough.

One-third of children who should have a caseworker visit them within 12 hours or seven days, ended up waiting for three weeks on average, it says.

There has also been backlash from those who have gone through the children's aid system.

Seventeen-year-old Sarah, who has been in the care of the system for the last four years, said she was outraged by the news.

Lawyer Paul Miller was similarly annoyed. He is representing a client who is suing one of the agencies because of a son who was allegedly sexually assaulted while in the agency's care.

"When you hear about the extravagance of spending, that makes you think, 'Why aren't there more people working to protect these kids?' " questioned Miller.

The criticism has left some of those who work in the 53 children's aid societies across the province up in arms.

Melanie Persaud — a spokeswoman for one of the agencies audited, the Toronto Children's Aid Society — defended agencies, saying they are busier than ever with an increasing number of complicated cases.

"The cases get more and more complicated," said Persaud. "There's no such thing as a straightforward case anymore."

Anonymous said...

McGuinty promises plan to rein in CAS
SUVs for bosses while kids in need stings government
Dec. 5, 2006. 01:00 AM

A "higher standard" is needed to ensure children's aid societies spend taxpayers' money wisely after reports executives got luxury SUVs while children at risk waited for help, Premier Dalton McGuinty said yesterday.

Stung by revelations about misspending, the government will unveil its plan today after Ontario Auditor General Jim McCarter releases his report.

Data on the SUVs, trips abroad, gym memberships, personal trainers and other perks for Children's Aid Society bosses were leaked last Thursday, stirring outrage among child advocates and the opposition.

"We want to put in place a higher standard," McGuinty told the Legislature, where the Liberals remained under fire yesterday.

"We'll be announcing what we're going to do in ... putting in place that higher standard. We deplore the kinds of events that were brought to the light of day because of the auditor general's new authority, and we'll be acting on that directly."

NDP Leader Howard Hampton said the plan is little more than "damage control" from the government, the first to allow the auditor general to look into publicly funded agencies.

"My suspicion is they knew about this a long time ago and they had done nothing until it broke into the media ... and then they decided they'd better have an action plan," said Progressive Conservative Leader John Tory.

Children and Youth Services Minister Mary Anne Chambers said she has been working on her plan for "several weeks" but would not discuss details.

McGuinty said it's good to have the auditor general look into such agencies "even if it hurts."

"That's good for us in government to better understand whether or not we're getting good value."

Taxpayers give children's aid societies across the province more than $1 billion a year. The revelations suggest the government hasn't been keeping a close enough eye on them.

Anonymous said...

Window dressing continues:

Province getting tough on CAS spending, child care
The Toronto Sun
Wed 06 Dec 2006
Page: 8
Section: News
The Dalton McGuinty government is toughening enforcement at children's aid societies after reports of lavish spending and inadequate monitoring of children.

The auditor general performed its first value-for-money audit on four of the province's 53 not-for-profit societies -- Toronto, Peel, York and Thunder Bay.

Auditor General Jim McCarter said much of the questionable expenses occurred at one society which he did not identify, but he said all four organizations had disturbing delays in visits to at-risk children. In one-third of instances where kids should have been seen by a case-worker within 12 hours or seven days, visits were late by an average of 21 days.

Auditors found that two senior CAS executives had luxury SUVs as their company cars. There were several $150 car washes. One society had a fleet of 50 company cars with low mileage.

Children and Youth Services Minister Mary Anne Chambers released yesterday her government's CAS action plan, which creates an Accountability Office to monitor and enforce the rules and provide necessary staff training and which also undertakes an independent assessment of fleet requirements.

McCarter said that the societies took his findings seriously and have begun making improvements.

Meanwhile, it's been almost exactly one year since provincial Ombudsman Andre Marin appealed to the province for the power to investigate children's aid societies to no avail.

"It breaks my heart," Marin said following the release of the auditor's report yesterday. "Essentially, we blew the whistle on this a year ago because we had more than 300 complaints."

This year, complaints to the ombudsman about the child welfare system have grown to more than 400.

Anonymous said...

Way to go Nicole!

Toronto Sun letters to the editor
Antonella Artuso's "CAS in shame" (Dec. 1) is an incredible service to the
public as she has woken up a lot of people to make them aware of the
corruption that exists within this agency. It also has made it easier for
others to come out and also take a stand to expose any abuses and fraudulent
activities they might have witnessed. Another point to follow up is to find
out why the Ontario Ombudsman is not given the right to investigate this
agency when the Ombudsman in every other province in Canada can.
Nicole Crellin
(We've already called for the Ombudsman to have that right)

Anonymous said...

Way to go Nicole, is an understatement - as so corrupt is the CAS, and so deathly afraid of untangling the ball of fraud, coercion and thievery that the government does not want someone like Mr. Marin to expose the very veins of it's hell.

Money to the government is more important then children are and it is an OUTRAGE.

I am glad that Mike Davis has addressed this nightmare on the CBC, that the media is listening, and that the victims have banded together.

Pay back is a bitch, and the CAS is long due to be paid back by letting it's gagged and silenced victims be heard under above it's secret cavern of crimes.

Anonymous said...

And the greatest payback is for the very victims to be heard in great and loud numbers.

Anonymous said...

a good site with insight.

Anonymous said...

DiManno: Minding the minders
Report on children's aid societies shows that it isn't just the money that needs better care

ROSIE DIMANNO from Toronto Star article

When Jeffrey Baldwin died a miserable, lonely death, the courts took their pound of flesh from his grandparents, who were convicted of second-degree murder.

The chronically starved 5-year-old had only 21 pounds of flesh and stunted bones on his wasted little frame.

Yet the Catholic Children's Aid Society, which had placed that doomed boy in the custody of his wicked grandparents — never even checking their own records, thus unaware the "caregivers" were both convicted child abusers — was not made to answer for such a tragic lapse of judgment.

No caseworker, no supervisor, no executive was ever called to the stand. That was largely a tactical decision made by the Crown attorney, who did not wish to shift any of the blame from the two accused.

But the CCAS was acutely responsible for Jeffrey's fate. And there was no reckoning.

The thing is, child welfare agencies have enormous autonomy in Ontario: Their decisions rarely scrutinized, their finances unexamined, their catastrophic failures revisited only at coroner's inquests. Tens of thousands of children placed in their safekeeping — directly, as wards of the state, or indirectly, in monitored at-risk households — and nobody really knows how they're faring, if they're receiving appropriate services, whether they're hurting.

The provincial government doesn't know. That was pitifully evident in the auditor general's report released yesterday.

Ontario lacks even a standardized province-wide information system to collect and assess the data that exists.

They know not the age and gender of children receiving services; the proportion of children receiving services who are taken into care; the proportion of children who've received services and then been victimized again; the types of reported and investigated maltreatment; the number of children moved from one placement to another.

This audit is essentially a financial closeup. It speaks of cases and care plans far more frequently than vulnerable children and damaged youths.

It follows the money — $1.218 billion for the 2004/05 fiscal year — and annotates some of the more grotesque misuses of funds: senior managers driving agency-issued SUVs worth up to $60,000, lavish restaurant meals, $600 monthly car allowances despite exclusive use of CAS vehicles, trips to Caribbean resorts, unsupported billings to corporate credit cards, a $2,000 gym membership for one senior executive along with quarterly personal trainer fees of $650, $150 car washes.

Such extravagances only hint at the culture of entitlement and self-determination — the astonishing fiscal and moral latitude — that pervades these agencies.

The excesses uncovered all relate to the four societies investigated: Toronto, York, Peel and Thunder Bay, which accounted for almost 25 per cent of total CAS expenditures. Auditor General Jim McCarter does not tie any of this mismanagement and malfeasance to a specific CAS, although the report notes that one particular society was most often referenced. The Star has learned that agency is the Toronto CAS.

Senior managers take what's not coming to them, while child referrals — initial intake and investigation — go begging for follow-up. In one-third of the cases reviewed, where a child should have seen a caseworker within either 12 hours or seven days, visits were late by an average of 21 days. Ninety per cent of cases reviewed for completion of "initial plans of service'' — what to do with the child, assessment of risk and need — went uncompleted for months, a few times late by more than 400 days.

And there's cheating, too. In one case, three plans of care were completed for a child on the same day — 192 days after the first was due. That's catching up, on paper. But there's a real child inside that file.

"Non-compliance'' with requirements is how the report dryly puts it. In human terms, consider these children: The youngster, beaten by his mother, who was not seen until his aunt and school principal called again 12 days after the mandated deadline had passed. Or another child never visited at all, the explanation being that the caseworker hadn't been able to reach the mother over five months. When contact was finally made, the mother said, s'okay, everything okey-dokey, and the worker simply closed the file.

Only last March did the Child Death Reporting and Review Directive come into effect, requiring the societies to report all child deaths to the chief coroner. Up till then, the government had no idea how many kids under protection had died.

Since their inception, these societies have been fiefdoms unto themselves, with minimal oversight from what is now the Ministry of Children and Youth Services. The little review that once was done had been dropped in recent years, with audits of non-Crown wards and child protection files discontinued in 2003. While this Liberal government introduced a risk assessment model — to promote consistency and accountability in the intake process — it failed to monitor its implementation.

The agencies determine when a child should be removed from the family home and when that child can safely remain. But they have a remarkable knack for getting it wrong repeatedly, which we know from the headline disasters. And they're rarely held to account for that, or much else.

Children's aid societies can afford lawyers, and properly so. Sometimes, though, deep pockets obfuscate and obstruct. In the Jeffrey Baldwin case, detectives complained about the lack of co-operation in obtaining documents from a resistant CCAS. The auditor general's report, in a separate case, refers to a society that paid a law firm an annual retainer of $160,000, with poor records as to actual services rendered.

Gobs of cash going out; distressingly little clarification of value-for-money. Hourly billings for lawyers, psychiatrists, psychologists, interpreters, but no indication of how those professionals had been selected, whether they were qualified, or whether the cost was justified.

Child welfare services are not underfunded. But where does all that money go? And who's keeping track?


The government covers 100 per cent of costs because the one non-negotiable rule is that no child must wait for services because of funding constraints. Yet there's no explanation as to why costs doubled between 1999 to 2005, while the caseload increased only about 40 per cent. Agencies got a lot more money basically because they asked for it.

Nobody seems to have wondered why foster-care per diems — regular care, nothing specialized — ranged from $41 per day for a CAS-placed child to $449 per day for care arranged through subcontracted placement agencies.

Nobody ensured that all children's homes and foster-care operators had documents supporting the issuance of a licence.

Why? Short answer: Because nobody's been minding the minders.

Anonymous said...

CAS out of control, again!
CAS spending report sickening to reader
The London Free Press
Thu 07 Dec 2006
Page: A13
Section: Opinion Pages
Column: Letters to the Editor
Regarding the article, CAS spending challenged (Dec. 1): there are no words to describe the outrage I feel. There are a rash of lawsuits against various Children's Aid Society agencies, including one initiated by the Office of the Ontario Children's lawyer in response to Jeffrey Baldwin, a coroner's inquest into his tragic murder, and several groups asking for CAS accountability.

An audit is just one facet of the nightmare of the CAS system. If the CAS is spending money wining and dining in the Caribbean, and using funds for expensive vehicles rather then for the children in their care then it is no wonder that the Jeffrey Baldwin murder was allowed to occur, no one bothered to check anything, and he was given to two convicted child abusers. It was four years ago November 30 that he died. It makes my blood boil to think of how he suffered when this type of inexcusable mismanagement is going on. We need a full legal inquiry into all 53 CAS agencies of Ontario, Ombudsman oversight, and a yearly audit of all of them.

Anonymous said...

Well, Kelly from Syria, kiss my grit and go learn English elsewhere!

Anonymous said...

Wishful thinking...

More ombuds needed
Dec. 9, 2006. 01:00 AM

Premier lifted curtain
Editorial, Dec. 8.
Your editorial is half right. Premier Dalton McGuinty deserves credit for throwing the auditor general's spotlight on the broader public sector of children's aid societies, provincial Crown corporations like Hydro One, hospitals, school boards, colleges and universities.
The Premier should be criticized for doing half a job. The Ontario ombudsman is prevented by provincial law from investigating unfair treatment of people at these publicly-funded organizations.
Ombudsman investigations into property tax assessments, disability benefits and screening babies for rare disorders show the value of independent oversight. Why is there no ombudsman oversight of children's aid, Hydro One, school boards, colleges and universities?
The Toronto District School Board is considering setting up its first-ever ombudsman office but there are no rules to govern its independence or investigations.
What about municipalities? The Premier plans to give municipalities an option of appointing auditors general, ombudsmen and integrity commissioners. Independent accountability for tax dollars and use of powers should not be at the whim of councils. The new City of Toronto Act requires the first-ever city ombudsman. This is oversight City Hall did not ask for.
When will the Premier do the rest of the job to ensure full independent oversight? The winners will be people otherwise treated unfairly and society as a whole.
John Adams, Toronto

Anonymous said...

'Designer wear'
The problems have surfaced at a time when government is trying to find ways of helping key workers buy houses in areas where prices have surged.
The Housing Corporation receives almost �1bn to support shared ownership schemes mainly in the South East.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

Let's go back to your archives of nov 2005.I nticed that Jeffrey and his sister were wearing same clothes sitting on that mat and than with their "mother" in the same clothes.This was done the same day theefore that WGORE knew of thair horrible treatment.I cant stand it anymore.I'm having nightmares about them and trying to somehow help Jeffrey.I dont know how this was possible.The CCAS should pay big time for this.Lisa how are the kids doing? Does anyone know?A.S

Anonymous said...

A.S., I haven't heard anything more of the children or their state. I have lost Sues phone number and can't find out much lately. I never did recieve anything to tell me if the children recieved my presents last christmas. I am worried that this might still get swept under the rug by society and it's leaders. It seems to have become a thing of the past for some already, I can't help but feel lost with everything, I hope an inquest will be ready soon so it can get back out in to the news and in to peoples minds for a little while longer maybe something more will be done.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Lisa,I hope that this matter wont get swept under the rug also.I will visit Jeffrey's memorial place in the ppark but not sure how to get there,I'm from Hamilton.Can someone help?

Anonymous said...

Government agencies, Social workers, judges they all make decisions on what is in the BEST interest of Children ... decisions which often determine their destiny.
Sadly, when the wrong decisions are made - Children are murdered!
They are beaten, tortured, sexually assaulted and murdered.

Who is responsible ?
The One making the decisions!
WE are asking for justice ... for Help!

Help never came for Angellika Nicole Arndt , Isaac Lethbridge,Daniel Jack Matthews, Ricky Holland, Christopher Michael, Sirita Sotelo, Nicholas Contreras, Sarah Angelina Chavez, Martin Lee Anderson,Ebony Smith,Kayla Allen,Candice Raynor......and sadly many, many more but perhaps one day justice will come for them all. For these children, it's too late to turn back the hands of time. May the spirits of those lost rest in peace and may we never forget or ignore what happened to them.

In The Name of Those Children
We are asking For:
-Victims of Child Welfare Memorial Day- to remember those who have died as a result of Child Welfare in their lives. -

Take Action Send Citizen Request To: The White House

"When will justice come? When those who are not injured become as indignant as those who are." -Leon Tolstoy

Anonymous said...

Jeffrey Baldwin is in the graveyard of other murdered children, with all those who have been killed before him. Let's not let him or the others be forgotten - should you have friends in the United States do pass this on.

Anonymous said...

Ms Guilty has made it clear, there will be NO oversight of CAS agencys,,,
what needs to happen is the government gets sued, for all of it....

Anonymous said...

Read this one - but no problem as if the idiot CAS makes the wrong decision and the baby boy dies, no problem who cares they are not responsible - it is CRIMINAL.

Visitation horror
Mom accused in twin's death

A father holds his surviving child, a boy whose twin sister perished at birth. (Sun files)
BARRIE -- This morning there will be a knock on the door and a father's heart will break as he hands his 1-year-old son over to the boy's mother -- the same woman accused of deliberately killing that baby's twin sister.

"It's devastating," the father said of a decision by the Simcoe County CAS to enforce a court ruling allowing for the mother's visitation made before the mom was charged with first-degree murder.

"I don't dare talk about it -- I'm too afraid of taking the risk of losing my son, and he means everything to me," he added.

Already facing charges of neglecting to obtain assistance in the delivery of a child and concealing the body of a child after the baby girl was found in her trunk in October 2005, the 34-year-old mom was charged with first-degree murder last month.

The boy's twin sister was discovered about three days after her birth, when the mom was rushed to hospital with abdominal pains and gave birth to the boy.

Medical staff found tearing of the vaginal walls and a second umbilical cord and called police.

Initially, CAS swooped in and took custody of the surviving twin. But the father eventually won interim custody, with the courts granting visitation rights to the mother.

CAS temporarily stopped the visits after the mom was charged with murder.

But sources say a CAS worker has again given the mom the green light to visit with her son three times a week. She is to be supervised by her own mother.

"We are all very upset about this but we can't discuss the details," said the father's lawyer, Irving Solnik. "We will have to see what can be done in the courts. But it causes financial stress on my client."

CAS officials say they can not comment on the case in order to protect the privacy of the people involved and the identity of the child.

"I can tell you everything is done in the best interests of the child," said executive director Mary Ballyantyne. "Definitely if it's a murder charge, the safety of the child involved is looked at very closely."

Anonymous said...

Chambers should be forced to resign, and if anything happens to the wee babe in the story above she and the Liberal government will be responsible for it!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

I'm glad to see people still on here! I've been keeping in touch with the kids ccas worker and she keeps me up to date(weather she's telling the truth or not)she says all the kids are great and their in good holmes and their happy and she sees them all the time. I'm still fighting to see them.I will never give you have a new email amanda I've tried to get in touch with you. Hi Lisa!

Anonymous said...

Go on...
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Anonymous said...

I am trying to get in touch with Amanda Reed if anyone know how I could reach her I would appreciated very much if you can help. Also I am looking for anyone that has a story regarding their past experiences or present. I like to hear from you. Here is my email:

Linda, Ontario